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European indices end the day mostly lower

The UK FTSE 100 is the exception. Major indices are lower for the week

The major European indices are ending the day with mixed results:

  • German DAX, -0.1%
  • France’s CAC, -0.5%
  • UK’s FTSE 100, +0.1%
  • Spain’s Ibex, -1.2%
  • Italy’s FTSE MIB -0.8%

For the week:

  • German DAX, -1.1%
  • France’s CAC -0.5%
  • UK’s FTSE 100 -1.5%
  • Spain’s Ibex, -1.9%
  • Italy’s FTSE MIB -1.4%

a snapshot of markets as London/European traders look to exit:

  • Spot gold, $-1.56 or -0.09% at $1792.50. 
  • Spot silver is down nine cents or -0.39% the $23.93
  • WTI crude oil futures are up $1.50 or 2.25% at $69.65
  • Bitcoin is down to $1000 at $45,391

In the US stock market, the major indices are lower. Apple app market news is weighing on its stock which is currently down around 2%.

  • Dow Jones -108 points or -0.31% at 34771.95
  • S&P index is down -9.6 points or -0.21% of 4483.68
  • NASDAQ is down -13.66 points or -0.09% at 15232

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