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Broader indices (and now the Dow as well) turn positive

Dow industrial average now up too

The broader S&P and NASDAQ index have turned positive on the day. The Dow has just moved positive as well. 

In Republicans have offered the Democrats a path to pass a debt limit extension into December (and not filibuster). 

A snapshot of the markets currently shows

  • The NASDAQ leads the way with a gain of 46 points or 0.32% 14479.54.  At the low the NASDAQ was down -1.21%
  • The S&P index is up 6.2 points or 0.14% 4351.92. At the low the S&P was down -1.28%
  • The Dow is up 17 points or 0.05% 34331.85. At the low the Dow industrial average was down -1.34%

The NASDAQ index remains below its 100 day moving average at the 14531 area. A move above that level would increase the bullish bias.

For the S&P index it is also looking to test its 100 day moving average at 4354 area.

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