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Ukraine update – accusations of Russian war crimes, torture and killings of civilians.

Maxar Tech has provided satellite imagery from the ransacked town of Bucha showing a 45 foot long mass grave trench (info via Reuters)

Reports of:

  • accusations of Russian war crimes in Ukraine mounted
  • discovery of mass graves and corpses in streets near Kyiv
  • President Volodymyr Zelensky directly blamed leaders in Moscow for the “torture” and “killings” of civilians
  • Britain, France, Germany, the United States, NATO and the United Nations all voiced horror and revulsion at the reports of civilians being murdered in Bucha, northwest of the capital, with the atrocities prompting vows of action at the International Criminal Court.

Meanwhile attacks continue from Russia in:

  • Kherson
  • Odessa
  • Mariupol

The war crime images are horrific. I won’t be posting them here.

I’d rather not post this info at all, but atrocities committed by Putin will impact peace negotiations and thus financial markets.