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China – Shanghai’s extended lockdown – “Containers are piling up at China’s biggest port”

I posted yesterday (and prior) that while Shanghai authorities assure us that port operations are normal they are anything but:

  • transport in and out has been disrupted, impacting the flow of goods.

Post is here, a new record high case count: Shanghai reports 20K new coronavirus cases for the day

UK media adding:

  • Shipping lines have warned that a lack of trucks to shift cargo is making it impossible to clear imported goods, leaving some vessels unable to deliver their loads.
  • In an advisory sent to customers, Japanese carrier Ocean Network Express (ONE) said trucking availability was “very limited”, resulting in “critically high” usage of some delivery yards.
  • Maersk, one of the world’s biggest shipping companies, said its staff have been “working around the clock” to address issues, and is offering to let clients planning deliveries to Shanghai switch to another destination free of charge.

From the Telegraph, is gated.

But, here is an ungated report conveying more information: Containers Stack Up at China’s Ports as Lockdown Blocks Trucks
