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Reuters poll finds more than 75% of Japanese firms unhappy with current weak yen

Reuters Corporate Survey shows:

  • More than three-quarters of Japanese firms say the yen has declined to point of being detrimental to their business
  • almost half of companies expecting a hit to earnings
  • companies are more worried about how it inflates fuel and raw material imports, which are already soaring due to the war in Ukraine. A decades-long shift to producing more goods overseas has also muted a weak yen’s benefits.
  • also showed almost 60% think the government should move quickly to restart nuclear reactors, evidence that higher energy costs – driven in part by the currency’s slide – may be changing opinion on nuclear policy

here is the link for more. None of this is surprising, we’ve been hearing similar for weeks/months and we’ve been getting officials bemoaning the currency drop for weeks/months also.

When do we get more than official jawboning? Good question. Here’s an attemtped answer:

USD/JPY intervention unlikely ahead of 130

Weekly candles USD/JPY. Long’s ain’t bitchin’!
