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USD makes a run for it. New highs vs EUR, GBP, CHF, CAD, AUD and NZD

The USD is making a break for it to the upside. In the current hour, the greenback is trading to new highs for the day versus all the major  currencies  with the exception of the JPY. It is now the strongest of the major currencies. The weakest as the NZD and  AUD  .

EURUSD: The EURUSD move below the lows from Wednesday’s trade and looks now toward the low from Tuesday at 1.07603. The low price from last week reached 1.07568. The price is currently trading at 1.07741.

GBPUSD: The GBPUSD has will below the next target 1.2853, and gets closer to the 50% retracement of the range since the March 2020 low. That level comes in at 1.28288. The low price just reached 1.2837 (see earlier post).

USDCAD: USDCAD moves further away from its 100 day moving average at 1.26730. The high price just reached 1.27183 and trade at the highest level since March 16

AUDUSD: The AUDUSD has now moved below its 100 day moving average at 0.72615 after breaking below its 200 day moving average earlier at 0.72923. The next target comes at 0.7227 to 0.72348.