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Why Trumps Niece Thinks Ron DeSantis Should Sit Out 2024 Race And Run In 2028 Instead

Mary Trump, the niece of former President Donald Trump,offered her thoughts last week on who she believes will win the Republican presidential primaries.

What Happened: As of now,Donald Trump will most likelywinthe GOP nomination, Mary Trump said while speaking to Australian Broadcasting Corporations RN Breakfast.

Mary Trump, a psychologist, said the Republican Party has done very little to separate itself from the former president. She also added that no matter who runs against the former president in the primaries, at least30% of Republicans have indicated that they will not vote for anybody other than Donald Trump. Therefore, the businessman-turned-presidentstarts with a huge advantage, she said.

They've done absolutely nothing to ensure that Donald can't win the nomination, Mary Trump said.

Asked why she thinks it is dangerous to ignore her uncle's chance of winning the primaries, Mary Trump said she believesthat the general dismissal of the former president's behavioris onewayof normalizing him and that theAmerican media has covered him "like any candidate.

They don't focus on his extremism, his radicalism, his fascism, his authoritarianism, she said.

In other cases,people have treatedthe former presidentas a joke who is not worth taking seriously, but that approachdid not work against him at all in 2015, Mary Trump noted, adding that Donald Trumpcontinues to be the leader of the Republican Party.

So we cannot look up the other way as tempting as it might be, she said.

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In assessing her uncle's behavior, Mary Trump said hehas not maturedandis the same person now as he was as a child. She added thatthe former president actsthe same when he is in a room with two people or in front of a crowd of 10,000 people. He basically has no intellectual curiosity, and he basically continues to behave in ways that always benefited him throughout his life, she said.

Trump May Be Unchallenged: Mary Trump believesthat the other Republican candidates may not be able to do enough to push her uncle out of the nomination.

Donald is ruthless in a way that his opponents have never seemed able to grapple with. Nobody has effectively been able to push back against him in the Republican Party, and I don't see any potential candidates even [Ron] DeSantis being able to figure that out, she said.

Mary Trump, who hosts the Mary Trump Show podcast, said thatif DeSantis has any political savvy, he shouldsit out of the upcoming election and wait until 2028 to make a bid for the presidency.

I think, if anything, if anybody does seriously challenge …it won't work out well for that person, and it will likely tear the Republican Party apart, said said.

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