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US treasury auctions off $18 billion of 30 year bonds at a high yield of 3.661% | Forexlive

  • High-yield 3.661% which was equal to the WI level at the time of the auction
  • WI level 3.661%
  • Tail 0.0 versus a six month average of 0.4 basis points
  • Bid to cover 2.36X versus a six month average of 2.35X
  • Directs 19.8% versus six month average of 19.5%
  • Indirects 69.12% versus us six with average of 68.5%
  • Dealers 11.09% vs six with average of 11.9%

Auction Grade: C+


No tail. The bid to cover was right on the six month average. Directs (domestic demand) was a touch higher than the average. Indirects were marginally higher as well. Dealers were saddled with a bit lower than the average.

Overall, a bit higher than average