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Fitch ratings place USA on rating watch negative | Forexlive

Fitch places United States’ ‘AAA’ on rating watch negative

  • United States’ ‘AAA’
    rating watch negative reflects increased political partisanship that
    is hindering resolution to raise or suspend debt limit
  • Still expect
    resolution to US debt limit before x-date; however, believe risks
    have risen debt limit will not be raised/suspended before x-date
  • Would expect US
    country ceiling to remain at ‘AAA’ even in scenario of a debt default
  • We believe failing
    to make full & timely payments on debt securities by the US Is less
    likely than reaching x-date & is a very low probability event
  • Believe risks have
    risen that US debt limit will not be raised or suspended;
    consequently gov could begin to miss payments on some obligations
  • Believe risks have
    risen that US debt limit will not be raised or suspended; gov could
    begin to miss payments on some obligations
  • Believe failing to
    make full & timely payments on debt securities by the US Is less
    likely than reaching x-date & is a very low probability event
  • Fitch now forecasts
    a general government deficit at 6.5% of GDP in 2023 and 6.9% of GDP
    in 2024 for the US

The longer the stand off carries on the more we’ll get like this from rating agencies. Such developments are not supportive of risk trades.