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China ‘activity data’ for November 2022 – retail sales collapse further, -5.9% y/y | Forexlive

more to come

Industrial Production +2.2% y/y, a miss

  • expected 3.6%, prior was 5.0%

Fixed Assets (excluding rural) YTD +5.3% y/y, a miss

  • expected 5.6%, prior was 5.8%

Retail Sales -5.9% y/y, a huge miss

  • expected -3.6%, prior was -0.5%

Unemployment rate 5.7%

  • expected 5.6%, prior 5.5%

As I said in the preview to this data:

  • Poor Chinese data will be discounted quickly given the moves towards reopening we’ve recently had are expected to boost economic growth in the months ahead.